How to Motivate your Sales team: 11 proven strategies that work

Sales teams are the backbone of any company – they bring in revenue and keep the lights on. But as any manager knows, salespeople can be a tricky bunch to motivate. There’s a lot riding on their shoulders, from quotas to commissions, and sometimes it can be hard to keep them focused and driven.

So what can you do to keep your sales team motivated? Here are 11 proven strategies that will get them fired up and crushing targets.

1. Set attainable goals

One of the most important things you can do for your sales team is to set clear, attainable goals. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). If your team doesn’t know what they’re working towards, it’s hard to stay motivated.

One of the biggest motivation killers can be setting quotas so unrealistically high that your reps don’t believe they have a fair chance to hit it.

Keep goals challenging, while at the same time achievable for a top performer.


2. Offer competitive commissions and bonuses

Money is a powerful motivator – be warned though it is not the only one there is!

That being said, in my experience very little can compare to a compensation plan that provides the opportunity for a rep to make life-changing money.

If you don’t have it in the budget, or simply don’t work in a space where that is applicable, at the very least make sure your comp plan is competitive relative to the space you’re selling in and is something they can get excited about.

If reps feel they are not getting paid fairly, that is the juice isn’t worth the squeeze, they will only work as hard as they think is worth it, as opposed to as hard as they can.

Avoid this at all costs, it will permeate across your culture and can be hard to overcome.


3. Provide sales training and development

Investing in your team’s development is another way to show them that you’re committed to their training and development. This can help them brush up on their skills, learn new techniques, and stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends.

Ultimately it will give them the confidence they need to attack the job with vigor, and will fulfill the fundamental need for continual growth.


4. Give them the tools they need to succeed

Make sure your team has the resources they need to do their job, whether it’s a CRM system, a good laptop, or access to market research.

If they don’t have what they need, they’ll be frustrated and less likely to be productive.

Manual work like data entry, sourcing, etc. is sometimes unavoidable, but too much of it can grind things to a halt and stop momentum.


5. Recognize and reward their successes

Recognizing your team’s successes is a great way to show them that you appreciate their hard work.

Letting them know you’re noticing their good work will go a long way, whether it’s a formal award ceremony or a casual (virtual) pat on the back.


6. Encourage friendly competition

Salespeople are naturally competitive, so why not use that to your advantage?

Setting up a friendly competition amongst your team can be a great way to get them motivated.

Just make sure the prize is something they want! And remember to keep it friendly.


7. Offer flexible work hours and locations

If your team is burnt out, they will not be very motivated.

Offering flexible work hours and locations can help them achieve a better work-life balance, making them happier and more productive.

Among the biggest mistakes, I still see leaders make is blind adherence to old-school dogma in this area.

If your people can get it done remote let them do it, at least some of the time.


8. Help them see the big picture

Your team needs to understand how their work fits into the larger picture of the company’s goals.

Help them see how their efforts contribute to the company’s success, and they’ll be more motivated to do their best work.

Walk them through their impact on the company’s bottom line and broader purpose, and ensure key stakeholders see the big picture as well.


9. Encourage teamwork

No salesperson is an island – teamwork is essential to success.

Encouraging your team to work together can help them build relationships, share best practices, and hold each other accountable.

Plus working as a team is just more fun.

One of the best parts about being in sales is the camaraderie you build.


10. Celebrate their wins, big and small

Celebrating your team’s successes is important, even if they’re small.

Acknowledge their hard work and let them know you’re proud of their accomplishments.

This will help them feel appreciated and motivated to keep up the excellent work.


11. Lead by example

As the leader of your team, you need to lead by example.

If you’re not working hard and staying positive, they will not be motivated to do the same.

Be the leader you want them to be, and they’ll follow your lead.



Sales teams are a crucial part of any business, but they can be tough to motivate. Use these 11 proven strategies so that it doesn’t have to be. Happy selling!

Picture of Dane Jutila

Dane Jutila

Dane is a new father, dog lover, and blogger who creates solid business and lifestyle content online. If you want to know more about business, then keep reading my blog.

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